Thursday, December 15, 2011

Much ads'o' bout nothing.....

So, as we all know Christmas is but heartbeats away, and with the kids gift shopping and wrapping done we are definately staying far away from stores, malls and shopping centers except for milk etc of course. Unfortunately, our television is becoming Mom and Dad's #1 enemy!! Seriously!! How many new toys will be added to the ever growing list?? What happened to "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth".. albeit no one has lost any pearly white's lately... *sigh* Since I'm having a blogger tantrum anyway, what ever happened to children asking for simple things like a bike or skates??? No one said, hey kids Santa is a Millionaire so you can ask for the moon... like there are a zillion laptops lying around to be wrapped up for kids at the North Pole... *sigh* ok I'm done, I feel better! Phew! Now to have coffee with my bicycle guru.. :D