Friday, November 18, 2011

Can turkey make you sad ??

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and Christmas around the corner... This time of year makes me feel like I'm drowning in lost and neverending to do lists. Missed my sons school thanksgiving lunch, my best friends birthday, Sergiowas almost late to my daughters talent show, not sure if I forgot any thing for my community event planning for work, office potluck, kids club family luncheon, our thanksgiving with abe on overnight. He's the Thanksgiving guru, but I am thanking my lucky stars we will have my sisters company.

The wonderful memories of hugs and tables laden with favorite recipes of all families present sharing the work and the bounty and love flowing around the room like the warm glow from a candle. It was a time for sharing and reconnecting, a time for coming together and enjoying each other. I remember , the craziness before everyone arrived, and how impossible it seemed to make enough and make it all in time, and how as soon as everyone began to arrive all that melted away and smiles grew to abundance. It was wonderful.
I wish and long for this so much everyday.

I feel like today I'm drowning in regret and nostalgia and loneliness in my lil world full of people. Like I'm singing a sad song only I can hear. I need to find that person inside the one that knows how to pull it all off.

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