Sunday, May 4, 2008

This is the weekend that never ends......

It has been a laborous weekend! Only because I am soooooooo so tired~~~ The kids and I did crafts, made some cookies, played with playdough, spent all sorts of quality time together and they didn't even fight with each other this weekend!!!!! . It was great!!!!! Only if I could have been more energetic it would have been even more fun!!!!!! lol. My back and pelvic floor hurt, my ligaments are stretching more and more everyday, my muscles are cramping all over, and I still have a smile on my face when the twins move around!!!!! hahahaha! I want so much to just feel like myself again! I am only at 24 1/2 weeks, and I know that it will only get more diffficult! Then I remember that every day that they are safe within me growing and getting closer to that safe zone of time at 36 weeks the better the chance that they will be healthy! I feel blissfully aware of how lucky I am to have gotten this far.!

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