Thursday, August 24, 2017

A piece of peace


There are times when having twins and teens is challenging..... Summer is definitely one of those times. These smiling faces are truly the reason I wake up in the morning looking forward to the day. I love spending time with my kids and slowing down during vacation from the school year hustle.. but sometimes these little angels can take monkey see monkey do a little too far and drive me crazy. 

I have an echo on most occasions and have to confiscate electronics over and over... how do they keep finding all my hiding spots???? Most days its all I can do to keep it all together and think up a new activity to get everyone to relax and try and build a memory.This momma is ready for back to school like yesterday even though we have to wait till Monday.  

How are you holding it together the final stretch before back to school??

Here are a few almost free things we have done this summer to keep busy: 

Reading READING Reading is the go to activity. I mentioned confiscating electronics- this is what they can pick up instead- we read together too.

Took a drive to find a nice spot and star gaze.

Homemade coloring and drawing sheets using Sharpie and printer paper on hand.

Got kids in the kitchen -Basic skills like sandwich making and homemade pudding were a hit!

Kids can cook ! Snack and lunch prepping skills for kids was fun - and mom got a break! 

Planted vegetables and flowers in the garden and tended to them- learned about photosynthesis etc.

Tried a new spot for treats- Boba tea is definitely a new favorite! 

Made S'Mores indoors- We used a few methods including oven, BBQ, then a microwave- 
Twins voted micro method as best.
The marshmallows get insanely puffy and they can DIY!

Visited the beach! This is always the all time favorite- spend on gas but packed eats and drinks.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Today is the first day of tomorrow's new plan.....

I am looking at my motivational plaque from my bed ; post-exercise recovering from unprepared wedges and dress after work kind of spontaneous excercise.....
(( 😅Ok Im whining -but i really did have so much fun- This exercise I'm talking about was yesterday at Whole Foods Vineyard with my lady blogger friends- Thanks to @adeeafter30 for the invite- I'm down to be your +1 whenever!😀#bloggerevent #satxbloggers "Blogger Power Hour" #wholefoodssatx with @JOYridetexas))so fun we totally killed it - but I'm still so sore!!!!)
Its midnight and im thinking about the lactic acid building up on my fluscles-
 This is my 'made up' new term for people who use to have muscles and now are fluffy but strong- hence "fluscles" : I have them ..... do you?
Fluscles: Definition- Once fit and muscular layers on the human body covered in a delicious layer of fluffy decisions; Aka: fat- but the tight kind that remembers that it was once muscles.
😋your welcome --- now there's a word for you (and me)  
 I know i was excited too when I thought of it. 
Anyway i was contemplating my renewed mindset and my fluscles when i noticed i had been staring at my motivational plaque for way too long ........ really long ..... like an hour and decided that yesterday was a great workout and i feel motivated somewhere under the sore ......
But something about making my fat cry makes me sad today... it could be that I'm feeling vulnerable because I can barely move - I so "brought it" yesterday- or maybe it's the fact that I'm tired- or simply that I get distracted and start thinking about things like ways to describe myself other than fat..... I dunno but it's soooooooo not happening tonight.
So I handed my fat a hanky grabbed my remote and a glass of wine and decided to console my fluscles until tomorrow .... tonight this gal is not going to sweat it !!

lol.....Goodnight y'all

Friday, December 16, 2011

Welcome Winter wonderland

It was a cold monday morning nap- time and all  through the house not a twin tot was stirring not even a ....  Wait I hear twins giggling... What is that smell??? *sneeze*  Oh yes, that's right they were not napping my friends , no...
Whilst I was tiptoeing through or apartment December's Woman's Day magazine and who knows when I served myself this coffee in hand... being ever so careful not to make a sound...
My little double trouble angels had  somehow smuggled the baby powder, a whole bottle of baby powder into the others room and made a wonderful winter wonderland that to me now smells like baby fresh bottoms.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Much ads'o' bout nothing.....

So, as we all know Christmas is but heartbeats away, and with the kids gift shopping and wrapping done we are definately staying far away from stores, malls and shopping centers except for milk etc of course. Unfortunately, our television is becoming Mom and Dad's #1 enemy!! Seriously!! How many new toys will be added to the ever growing list?? What happened to "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth".. albeit no one has lost any pearly white's lately... *sigh* Since I'm having a blogger tantrum anyway, what ever happened to children asking for simple things like a bike or skates??? No one said, hey kids Santa is a Millionaire so you can ask for the moon... like there are a zillion laptops lying around to be wrapped up for kids at the North Pole... *sigh* ok I'm done, I feel better! Phew! Now to have coffee with my bicycle guru.. :D

Friday, November 18, 2011

Can turkey make you sad ??

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and Christmas around the corner... This time of year makes me feel like I'm drowning in lost and neverending to do lists. Missed my sons school thanksgiving lunch, my best friends birthday, Sergiowas almost late to my daughters talent show, not sure if I forgot any thing for my community event planning for work, office potluck, kids club family luncheon, our thanksgiving with abe on overnight. He's the Thanksgiving guru, but I am thanking my lucky stars we will have my sisters company.

The wonderful memories of hugs and tables laden with favorite recipes of all families present sharing the work and the bounty and love flowing around the room like the warm glow from a candle. It was a time for sharing and reconnecting, a time for coming together and enjoying each other. I remember , the craziness before everyone arrived, and how impossible it seemed to make enough and make it all in time, and how as soon as everyone began to arrive all that melted away and smiles grew to abundance. It was wonderful.
I wish and long for this so much everyday.

I feel like today I'm drowning in regret and nostalgia and loneliness in my lil world full of people. Like I'm singing a sad song only I can hear. I need to find that person inside the one that knows how to pull it all off.

Monday, May 23, 2011


My Bicycle Guru suggested I read the title to this book today:

'Go the F**K to Sleep' by Adam Mansback.

After the juicy title.....I couldn't resist reading more.

I believe now she is a funny genius for sharing.
Thank you.

She blogs faithfully at ...

I didn't realize it was going to be depends worthy,
It was a masterful recounting of some parents every night, Ours definitely X2 children + twin tots - brilliant book!

Truly a winner for funniest adult read according to me :D

So hilariously inappropriate; I must have a copy.

You can purchase the book on
Here is the link:

Monday, May 9, 2011

Round and Round we go........

This has been another twin-riffic MOnday and I cant believe we managed to get everyone to bed on time. Bedtime is no surprise to anyone in this house, as it is the same time everyday and yet somehow all four of our children still manage to paste that look on their faces, and top it off with a "but Mom I didnt get to ____insert favorite missed opportunity here______" *sigh*